Collecting customer reviews

We collect feedback from our customers about our products and services through several different channels. We try to make sure that the people who gave customer feedback have actually bought our products and that the feedback is genuine and not distorted.

Product reviews

1. app

The application automatically sends an e-mail request to all purchased customers to review the product they purchased. If the customer arrives at the review page by clicking on the link, his review is marked as verified, which means that has ensured that the review is correct using this process. If someone from Ruukkin Kehräämö's staff changes the review (for example. deletes identifying information, such as full name or email address), then the customer will receive an email about changing the review.

If the customer comes to the review pages via a different route than via a link, the review will not be marked Verified, as we cannot verify that the customer has actually purchased the product in question.

Before moving to the application, we used the Shopify Review application (development stopped), from which the reviews were transferred to the application automatically and completely unchanged. These reviews do not display the verification badge.

2. Facebook's Ruukkin Kehräämö group

In addition, we collect photos from our customers of the knitwear they have made from Ruukki Kehräämö's yarns/instructions in our own closed Neule ja Viini facebook group. There, customers can add a picture and a comment for other group members to admire. With the customer's permission, we also share these feedbacks on our website.

General feedback

1. Ziggpoll Customer Surveys

We also collect feedback from our customers who have made purchases using the Ziggpoll Customer Surveys application. The survey opens for our customer after the purchase process is completed. At this stage, the customer is asked for general feedback, not a review for any specific product.

We make every effort to ensure that the feedback we receive comes from our customers who have purchased, and we share the feedback on our website as it is, unless it contains personal information. We correct obvious typos to make reading easier.