Alpaca cardigan of the best 100% Alpaca Royal quality.
Cardigans for indoor and outdoor use from undyed alpaca wool.
The cardigans made of the highest quality Alpaca Royal fiber on the market are comfortable and breathable in all weathers, indoors and outdoors. Choose a thicker or lighter cardigan and your favorite color from the natural alpaca shades.
- 3 products
Thicker, jacket-like Alpaca Royal cardigan for cooler weather.
Stylish alpaca knitted jacket with pockets and zipper for men and women.
The thick cardigan made of the best 100% Royal alpaca on the market keeps you warm in the fall and in the cool indoor air. The jacket is made of sturdy, smooth interlock knit. This slightly thicker knit is familiar from our alpaca joggers.
The cardigan is designed for winter's hard frosts. In autumn, the cardigan can also be used as outerwear. Alpaca wool repels water so well that even heavy rains do not wet the sweater.
The multipurpose jacket is suitable for the whole family. The hem of the jacket is slightly longer at the back than at the front. In this way, there is enough length in the back even for tall people. The sleeves of the alpaca coat are of good length and with the elastic that can be turned at the cuffs, you can adjust the sleeves to a size that suits you.
The front edge of the jacket has a zipper that opens in two directions. The zippers on the pocket mouths also make the pockets practical. Our zipper is made of recycled plastic.
The products of the Alpaca Royal collection are made from the best 100% Royal alpaca fiber (≤ 18 µm) on the market. Thanks to their fine quality fiber, the products of the Alpaca Royal family remain unchanged in appearance even for years and are very durable. You don't need to wash the sweaters much, Alpaca wool does not bind odors, but often just airing the sweater is enough.
In the manufacture of the sweater, special attention has been paid to responsibility. Our alpaca knits are not dyed. Each color is a genuine, original color of the alpaca that produces the wool. Thanks to the chemical-free production process, the properties of the top quality fiber are transferred to the garment.
Untreated Alpaca wool breathes and regulates body temperature, so the sweater always feels right against the skin. Even in the summer heat, the Alpaca Royal sweater feels pleasant. Alpaca wool repels water so well that even heavy rains do not wet the sweater. Alpaca Royal products are also hypoallergenic and do not sting even sensitive skin.
Alpaca Royal sweater with zipper for men and women.
For the changing conditions of autumn and winter, this 100% Royal alpaca-style cardigan is the number one choice.
A stylish, thin cardigan keeps you warm even in cool weather and on the other hand breathes in warmer air.
The alpaca knitted jacket is designed for a person who appreciates comfort and style and does not compromise on quality. It is designed to be used for layering in cold weather, but also stylishly, for example, instead of a little jacket or jacket, even with a collared shirt and tie. On a summer evening, it's wonderful to throw on when the evening cools down and the mosquitoes come out of their holes.
The products of the Alpaca Royal collection are made from the best 100% Royal alpaca fiber (≤ 18 µm) on the market. Thanks to their fine quality fiber, the products of the Alpaca Royal family remain unchanged in appearance even for years and are very durable. You don't need to wash the sweaters much, Alpaca wool does not bind odors, but often just airing the sweater is enough.
Our alpaca knits are not dyed. Each color is a genuine, original color of the alpaca that produces the wool. Thanks to the chemical-free production process, the properties of the top quality fiber are transferred to the garment.
Untreated Alpaca wool breathes and regulates body temperature, so the sweater always feels right against the skin. Even in the summer heat, the Alpaca Royal sweater feels pleasant. Alpaca wool repels water so well that even heavy rains do not wet the sweater. Alpaca Royal products are also hypoallergenic and do not sting even sensitive skin.
The Alpaca Royal cardigan in a different shade is the salvation of every wardrobe.
The classic basic cardigan is a durable and stylish piece of clothing.
Our alpaca cardigan has a classic design and is available with both a V-neck and an O-neck. The cardigan has buttons on the front and slightly longer sleeves, just like our other alpaca sweaters.
The cardigan is made of 100% of the best Royal alpaca wool on the market and it keeps its shape and style for a long time. The cardigan is light and thin, but it withstands wear and tear and warms comfortably, just like our basic cardigan.
You can easily combine the wool jacket with skirts and pants of different styles, creating a new style every time that suits every occasion.
The products of the Alpaca Royal collection are made from the best 100% Royal alpaca fiber (≤ 18 µm) on the market. Thanks to their high-quality fiber, the products of the Alpaca Royal family remain unchanged in appearance even for years and are very durable. You don't need to wash the sweaters much, Alpaca wool does not bind odors, but often just airing the sweater is enough.
In the manufacture of the sweater, special attention has been paid to responsibility. Our alpaca knits are not dyed. Each color is a genuine, original color of the alpaca that produces the wool. Thanks to the chemical-free production process, the properties of the top-quality fiber are transferred to the garment.
Untreated Alpaca wool breathes and regulates body temperature, so the sweater always feels right against the skin. Even in the summer heat, the Alpaca Royal sweater feels pleasant. Alpaca wool repels water so well that even heavy rains do not wet the sweater. Alpaca Royal products are also hypoallergenic and do not sting even sensitive skin.
Let customers speak for us
from 69 reviewsThis is the best beanie I've ever had. Royal alpaca beats any other form of fabric for staying warm, imo.
I have two - the brown one and the dark/black one. I really like how the black one is very deep in the "color" (no coloring is used, I know) so the deep natural black looks really great.
Strongly recommend!
Tästä langasta tulossa syyshäihin morsiamelle villapaita. Tehty kaksinkertaisella langalla ja puikoilla 4.
Nämä ovat varsinkin talvikaudelle parhaat sukat!!!
Omistan nyt kahdet alpakkajoggarit ja yhden mekon. Tuotteet ovat aivan ihania, pidä ja tuuleta meiningillä. Eivät nyppäänny, ihanat päällä, pitävät kuosinsa. Eivät kutise, hyvän tuntuisia ihoa vasten. Parasta.
Pesee hiukset puhtaiksi sekä tuoksuu hyvälle
Upea, pehmeä, lempeä, kutittamaton ja kauniisti pörröinen ja lämmin lanka. Itsestään jo näyttävä lanka joka ei tarvitse monimutkaisia neuleohjeita.
Aivan mahtavat sukat. Lämpimät talvella,hikoilemattomat kesällä.
Kotisohvalla pehmeät ja mukavat.
Ihan parhaat sukat! Mukavan lämpimät ja paksut sukat, täydelliset sukat talvikenkiin ja saappaisiin. Kotoillessakin valitsen nämä sukat jalkoihini. Ei tekisi mieli muita sukkia käyttääkään!
Todella miellyttävä lanka neuloa. Usva-paita tulossa. Kevyttä, laadukasta, riittoisaa lankaa.
Neljän talvikuukauden käyttökokemuksen perusteella olen takkiin oikein tyytyväinen. Takki on sopivan paksu, lämmin olematta kuitenkaan liian kuuma. Hyvä malli. Ei ole nyppyyntynyt eikä muitakaan käytön jälkiä ole näkyvissä. Kaunis grafiitinharmaa - lempivärinikin vielä!
Ostin viime talvena yhdet joggarit ruskeanvärisinä ja tänä talvena toiset mustana. Laadukkaat, tiheästi neulotetut housut, jotka istuvat täydellisesti. Rakastan leveää kuminauhaa vyötäröllä! En keksi mitään huonoa sanottavaa. Eivät ole nyppyyntyneet ja edelleen kuin uudet. Pitkään etsin housuja, jotka voisi talvipakkasilla vetää hameen ja sukkahousujen kanssa jalkaan ja silti näyttää tyylikkäältä. Sisätiloissa kuoriutuminen tapahtuu suitsait ja sitten korkkarit vaan jalkaan. Voila!
Hyvät housut, normaalisti käytän kokoa M mutta tässä mallissa minulla on L koko, housut heti pehmeät käytössä
Parhaat sukat ikinä. Ennen näitä villasukkia kului ja paikattiin, mutta varpaat saattoivat kylmillä keleillä silti palella. Näillä ei ole enää paleltunut. Käsin vedellä pestyt, mutta kulumisen merkkejä ei vielä näy. Luottosukat.
Parhaat housut mitä olen koskaan pitänyt. Sopivat erityisesti vilukissoille, sillä ovat todella lämpimät ja pitävät tuulta. Luulin tätä mainoskikaksi, mutta kovalla pohjoistuulellakaan eivät ole jalat jäätyneet. Tyylikkäät, ajattomat ja ihanat jalassa. 38 kokoisena S ja M malli ovat sopineet loistavasti. Haaroista hieman nyppääntyneet, mutta eivät ole kuluneet puhki. Toki olen pitänyt näitä paljon. Pelkkä tuuletus on riittänyt mainiosti. Muita housuja vaatekaapissa ei tarvita.
Muutamia vuosia sitten ostettu neule, jonka myötä olen luopunut muista samankaltaisista vaatteista. Tämä on yksinkertaisesti paras: lämmin, tyylikäs, ohut ja ajaton. Lämmittää kylmillä keleillä niin välikerroksena ulkona kuin toimistotöissä sisätiloissa. Ei nyppäänny, enkä ole saanut toistaiseksi puhkikaan. Tuuletus toistaiseksi riittänyt.