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Asiakkaamme äänestivät - 5. sija Suomen vastuullisin tuote kilpailussa

Our customers voted - 5th place in Finland's most responsible product competition

Thank you, our dear customers! You voted and your voice was heard. We achieved the 5th place in Finland's most responsible product voting among more than 95 companies. Our entire Alpaca Royal collection is included in the competition and on website.

The website, established to facilitate consumer choices, consists of a selection of responsible services and products for different areas of life, as well as expert articles and tips on sustainable lifestyles. A sustainability panel consisting of independent experts evaluates all companies and products and selects for the site those that fulfill some need related to consumers' everyday life more sustainably than their counterparts. Ruukin Kehräämö has been involved in the website since its launch, in November 2020.

The sustainability panel has assessed that the sustainability of Ruukki Kehräämö's Alpaca Royal products consists of, for example, of the following factors:

  1. Good business ethics
  2. Surroundings
  3. Work with human dignity
  4. Promoting sustainable consumerism
  5. Biodiversity
  6. Human rights
  7. Water
  8. Climate change
  9. Circular economy

In the public vote, products from all different categories competed with each other, so we were faced with both more responsible food products and cosmetic products. That is why we are especially proud that our responsibly produced clothing collection received a large number of votes as a whole. Many of the manufacturers who participated in the competition have one or two responsible products in their selections, while we can proudly say that all aspects of responsibility are of primary importance in each of our products.

For us, responsibility means responsibility for the entire product life cycle, e.g. in these categories:

  1. Ecology
  2. Ethics
  3. Social responsibility
  4. Financial responsibility
  5. Transparency
  6. Communication

Thank you again. Without you there would be no us!

Best regards,

Leena and Sini

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